I had no idea how much fun baking soda/vinegar bubbles could be.
For those of us whose playroom is also the living room/dining room.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Play-Dough Faces
Friday, December 2, 2011
What Do You Think?
It's been very snowy around here the last couple of days. Today my daughter asked if we could go to the park. I asked her a question because I was really curious what her answer was going to be. I said, "Do you think it will be snowy or grassy at the park?" She thought about it for a minute and then said, "Grassy Mommy!" I thought that was interesting. It makes sense to me. She's never seen it snowy before so why would it be snowy? She then looked outside and said, "Maybe snowy." I love to see the way her mind works.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Bloody Snowman
We made a cotton-ball snowman. The only problem was that he only glue I could find was kind of and orangey red left over from some other project. The poor guy looks like he was in a snowball battle and came out the loser.
Actually, a 'snowball' battle is exactly what happened after this little project.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Window Paints
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Shaving Cream Play
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Orange Ice Cream
Yesterday we made ice cream in a bag. Here's the recipe:
To make ice cream in a zipper bag you will need:
We added some food coloring to make it orange so it could go with our theme for the week. I'd say it was a success.
To make ice cream in a zipper bag you will need:
- 1 quart zipper freezer bag
- 1 gallon zipper freezer bag
- 1/2 cup half and half, or whole milk
- 1Tbsp. sugar
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- Enough ice to fill the gallon bag about 1/2 full
- 6 Tbsp. salt --Table salt works fine for this.
- In the small zipper bag pour in the milk, sugar and vanilla. Seal tightly and set aside.
- In the large bag pour in the ice and the salt. Carefully put the smaller bag with the milk mixture inside the larger bag with the ice.
- Shake the whole thing for about 5 minutes then remove the smaller bag and enjoy your ice cream!
We added some food coloring to make it orange so it could go with our theme for the week. I'd say it was a success.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Orange Hunt
This week we're focusing on the color orange. What with it being fall (and my daughter's constant confusion between yellow and orange) I figured it would be a good thing to learn about. Today we went on an orange hunt around the house where we collected all the orange objects we could find a. We ended up finding quite a few!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
More Cars
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Let's Go Riding in an Automobile
We've been talking a lot about cars lately. Our favorite car book is Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle.
Yesterday, using the help of some internet clip art (some wheels, a steering wheel, and a license plate) and some string for a seat belt, we made our own car. My daughter was so pleased. She kept saying, "Look! I driving!!" If you look behind her, you'll see that my son was less than impressed.
Today I taped a piece of paper over our old license plate and gave my daughter some crayons. She didn't know what was underneath, but kept coloring. She kept saying, "ooohhhhh, so bumpy!" She was so excited when she started to see the letters come through. She was especially excited when she saw a K because that's the first letter in her name.

When she was all done, we took off the paper and she saw the license plate underneath. She got such a kick out of carry it around, and later taping it to the back of the car we made yesterday.
Yesterday, using the help of some internet clip art (some wheels, a steering wheel, and a license plate) and some string for a seat belt, we made our own car. My daughter was so pleased. She kept saying, "Look! I driving!!" If you look behind her, you'll see that my son was less than impressed.
When she was all done, we took off the paper and she saw the license plate underneath. She got such a kick out of carry it around, and later taping it to the back of the car we made yesterday.
We got the CD 'Songs for Wiggleworms' from the library recently and it is one of our favorites. My daughter's favorite song is called Milkshake Song. It describes making milkshake and then the chorus says, "Milkshake milkshake, shake it up, shake it up, milkshake, milkshake, shake it all up." Finally today, we put the song into action.
A little milk, a little ice cream, and she sure shook it up!
She was very pleased with the results.
A little milk, a little ice cream, and she sure shook it up!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Color Wonder
Friday, September 9, 2011
Money, Money, Money
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Mess-free Painting
My daughter loves to paint. I love it when projects are easy to clean up. This activity caters to both of us. I give my daughter a cup full of water and a couple of paint brushes and she paints to her hearts content on the chalk board. A few minutes later, the board is dry and she can start all over again.
Her favorite thing to paint right now is our family. She paint four different figures (There's Mommy! There's Daddy!) and then gets a kick as they start to disappear (Mommy gone! Daddy gone!).
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
We Glue! Do you?
When I saw this project on Pinterest and knew that I had to try it. It's really simple. All you need is a glue bottle, food coloring, a willing kid, and a piece of paper.
Open up the glue bottle, put it a couple of drops of your color of choice, close the lid, shake, shake, shake, and hand it over to the child (with some instructions about keeping it on the paper, of course).
This is what it looks like wet. Once it's dry, it makes a really pretty dark glossy color.
Open up the glue bottle, put it a couple of drops of your color of choice, close the lid, shake, shake, shake, and hand it over to the child (with some instructions about keeping it on the paper, of course).
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Book Kits
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Nature Bowl
We love going on walks. Sometimes we go in the double stroller, sometimes in the single stroller with the little one in the front pack, sometimes in the single stroller with the bigger one walking, sometimes with the little one in the stroller and the bigger one pushing a doll stroller. Any way you slice it, we love walks. Along with walking, we love talking. We talk about the trees, the dogs, the birds, the cats, the cars, and everything else we see. Recently we've also started collecting. Pine-cones, rocks, leaves, twigs, pine needles, and all sorts of other outdoor treasures. These treasures usually end up in the stroller or in my pocket. I recently had the idea that instead of chucking them at the front door, we could collect them in a nature bowl.
Now every time we go out for a walk, my daughter is on the look-out for something we can put in her bowl. When we get home, she pulls everything out, sorts them into piles, put them back, dumps them back out, and shows them to all of her stuffed animals.
Toddler Collage
My little one has been very interested in glue lately. That is what inspired these projects.
First, here she is making her own little impressionist collage. She had a great time gluing lots of different little squares on top of each other.

Second, we read The Gingerbread Man several times this week before realized we could make our own gingerbread men. These two little guys have been run, run, running as fast as they can all over our house.
First, here she is making her own little impressionist collage. She had a great time gluing lots of different little squares on top of each other.
Second, we read The Gingerbread Man several times this week before realized we could make our own gingerbread men. These two little guys have been run, run, running as fast as they can all over our house.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Beating the Heat
To cool down from the heat nothing beats playing with ice. I've seen a lot of fun ideas out there that I would like to try, but for today, we just played with ice cubes.
I couldn't help but think about A Christmas Story when the ice stuck to the metal spoon and my daughter looked up at me and said, "Stuck! Stuck! Stuck!"
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
More on Colors
I've read all sorts of blogs with great Montessori sorting activities. This was my first attempt.
I cut a bunch of straws in several different colors. I then got out an ice cube tray and put one color in each little cube. I thought my daughter would jump right in a start sorting. Not quite. After feeding the straw pieces to her dragon, putting them between her toes, and trying to throw them at her brother, she then decided to try putting them in the ice cube tray, but moved on quickly seeming pretty uninterested. Even though she wasn't interested in sorting, I enjoy watching her discover a new material through play.
I cut a bunch of straws in several different colors. I then got out an ice cube tray and put one color in each little cube. I thought my daughter would jump right in a start sorting. Not quite. After feeding the straw pieces to her dragon, putting them between her toes, and trying to throw them at her brother, she then decided to try putting them in the ice cube tray, but moved on quickly seeming pretty uninterested. Even though she wasn't interested in sorting, I enjoy watching her discover a new material through play.
Color Discovery
By the way, don't you love her farmer's tan??
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Grandma's Flowers
When I saw this on the Artful Parent, I knew I wanted to make something similar. When we went to visit Grandma (who lives in another state), we collected a whole bunch of flowers from her garden. We stuck them in a big thick book and then waited. Last week we put them between some sheets of contact paper. As you can probably tell, I did most of the arranging. My little girl seemed more interested in handing me the flowers, but she did contribute a few flowers to our project. Now she likes to run over to the door and say, "Grandma's flowers."
Friday, July 1, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
A House is a House for Me Take 2
We recently moved a few states over (no more California sun for us). As the move was drawing near, I started to really worry about my daughter. A few months ago we moved a desk from one room to the other and it really bothered her. I thought, 'If moving a desk troubles her, how is she going to feel about moving everything in the entire house?' My first reaction was to do as much as I could during her naps and after she went to bed. I would frantically pack box after box while she was sleeping. Soon I realized I was never going to get everything done in that limited time. I started talking to her about what was happening. I wasn't sure how much she would understand, but I would tell her "We're putting it in the box so that we can take it to our new house. Our new house has stairs (she really likes stairs), and a pool." She liked putting things in boxes, as long as her toys weren't involved in the boxing process. When my husband pulled up at the house in the moving truck, she was pretty leery at first. I asked her if she wanted to touch the truck and she said, "No!!". I remembered I needed to talk to her about what was happening. I told her, "We're going to put everything in the truck so that we can take it to our new house. Remember, new house has stairs and a pool!" I took her to the cab of the truck. She loved playing in the drivers seat.
After playing for a while and talking about the truck, she was very excited about it. I took her to the bed of the truck and showed her where all the stuff was going to go. After a few boxes got put in she got the concept. She started grabbing all of her own stuff and putting it in the truck. I think it really helped her to feel more secure seeing her belongings in the truck. The whole thing went down without any tears. I was really amazed what a difference talking can make. She understood so much of what was going on.
On the other end, she really liked unpacking boxes. Each day it was a little like Christmas, finding more fun things to play with. She is quickly making new friends. We've been looking at pictures and writing letters to old friends. We've made a good effort to find fun things in our new city. What I've discovered is that moving with two kids under two really wasn't as bad as I expected!!
On the other end, she really liked unpacking boxes. Each day it was a little like Christmas, finding more fun things to play with. She is quickly making new friends. We've been looking at pictures and writing letters to old friends. We've made a good effort to find fun things in our new city. What I've discovered is that moving with two kids under two really wasn't as bad as I expected!!
Letters, Letters, Letters
We've been doing a lot of letter play lately. These are two of my daughter's favorite activities.
Magnetic letters on a metal pan.
We've also been playing with foam letters, reading lots of alphabet books, visiting starfall.com, and going to letter story time at the library.
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