Monday, June 18, 2012

Dollar Store Bonanza

When we go to the grocery store, I have to say no a lot. No, we can't buy a five gallon tub of ice cream. No, we're not going to buy new lawn chairs today. I figured out the trick to saying yes. The dollar store! I told my girl that she had five dollars and could pick out five things. She was just about as happy as a little girl could be.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I've seen these 'letter crafts' all over Pinterest and I love them! We've been slowly working our ways through the ABC's (actually, we've only made it through A, B, and C, but D is coming today). This is what we have so far:
A is for Alligator.

 B is for Butterfly.

C is for Caterpillar. 
This one is made out of a sock and it's my favorite.

Monday, June 4, 2012