There are so many ways to make bubbles. First, I gave my girl a pan full of baking soda, and several cups full of colored vinegar. She used all different sized spoons (and a turkey baster) to mix it all together. And boy did it bubble!
Next we made home-made bubble solution. I made a whole bowl full before I thought about the fact that I didn't have any bubble wants. My solution (pardon the pun)? I just used one of those campfire lighters to burn a hole through some plastic spoons. Problem solved!
Finally, and old classic: Dawn in the kitchen sink. I am always amazed how clean I can get the rest of the kitchen when the kids play like this in the sink. It entertains them for a solid half hour, if not more. This time my little one had the idea to go get all her toy dishes and wash them with the scrub brush. Awesome! I'd been meaning to wash those for a while.